Videostrates is a concept and a toolkit for creat­ing real-time collaborative video editing tools. Videostrates supports both live and recorded video composition with a declarative HTML-based notation, combining both simple and sophisticated editing tools that can be used collaboratively. Videostrates is programmable and unleashes the power of the modern web platform for video manipulation.

Videostrates was presented at the 32nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST ’19) in November 2019. To the right, you can find the UIST paper about the project and an accompanying video below.

We are working on making Videostrates and its source code available online. Until then, contact for any inquiries including help with setting up and running Videostrates or to get access to try Videostrates on our online hosted instance.

People involved


5 minute accompanying video from UIST 2019